The health industry today has become a very busy industry. 

There are just too many things for a doctor to do. Even though you may be seeing a doctor for many years, there somehow may be a feeling that your  questions are not all answered.

We at Freesoul-uni are willing to listen to all your concerns, revisit your diagnosis/ illness. We will discuss with you how you may have developed this illness and discuss how you can improve better/ recover/ alternate treatment modes and any other related issue.

We give you a comprehensive service. Should you need a second expert opinion / investigations / therapy, we have a fleet of our own discreet doctors who can be engaged to treat you without any exploitation.

We are here to help you heal. We would assist in whatever way you desire to move forward with any health problem. You will be in the drivers seat to decide what is best for you.

  • Should you intend to travel, we can give you further advice / escort.
  • Should you decide to have treatment abroad, we could assist.


High Blood Pressure and Diabetes are the most common problems which are long term ( chronic) issues. Treated properly and taking heed of lifestyle disease advice have in some cases help reverse the problems. 

Most accept these health problems like a "death sentence"  and continue to deteriorate and have additional complications such as stroke.

The right kind of treatment with the right advice on lifestyle changes can prevent these complications as well as reverse the illness at times.


Stress related issues / problems are in abundance.  However many do not pay heed or become dismissive to their problems. At many times there is deterioration and problems and symptoms worsen. 

We at Freesoul-uni are very focused on the principle that prevention is better than cure. We believe that prevention is better than cure.

We can talk you through how to handle stress relate issues  :

  • At Corporate level
  • At Personal level
  • At Family level
  • Even Friends level