Education today is a hot topic. Gone are the days we all just went to school and never thought of a career until probably at the level of form six.

Today one has to plan and prepare in a systematic way to become successful. This because, in years gone by, we were happy with whatever we achieved. We belonged to a generation that had gone from trying to put food on the table to one that was looking at assets. Having a good job means building good assets.  We just strived to focus on better paid jobs.

Todays generation are not thinking of assets. They have graduated into a generation of being happy. So whatever they do must bring them happiness. When happiness is the focus, we do have to choose a career carefully as a career is not just for a day but for a lifetime.

It is therefore important to check personality attributes, personal attitudes, compatibility and ability to sustain and execute the ambition becomes vital.

We therefore need to groom the young mind from an early stage.

At Freesoul, we would be arranging seminars, discussions, and workshops for parents and children to understand these concepts at a better level.